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What You Should Know About TMJ Disorder

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If you are someone that often experiences clicking in the jaw and head pain, you might have a common dental condition called TMJ. This occurs as a result of inflammation in the temporomandibular joint, which goes from your jaw to your mouth. Here are some things to know about TMJ and what can be done about it.

There Are a Variety of Symptoms

First of all, you might not realize you have TMJ at first because many symptoms are associated with other dental issues as well. Some of the more common symptoms of this condition are having frequent headaches, jaw pain, and tooth discomfort. This can also be caused by general tooth pain and cavities as well. However, if the symptoms also include clicking or locking of the jaw either while it is opened or closed, there is a good chance you have TMJ. Keep in mind you can have any variety of these symptoms. Just because you don't have locking of the jaw doesn't mean you don't have TMJ.

The Pain Can Come and Go

Another important thing to know about TMJ disorder is that you won't experience the symptoms at all times. This is another reason this jaw condition often goes untreated. Your jaw pain goes away for weeks or months at a time, so you assume whatever was wrong is now cured. However, TMJ is a chronic condition, so even if symptoms go away periodically, they are bound to come up. It is essential that, if you suspect you have this condition, you contact a dentist right away. They will let you know what the best treatments are after getting x-rays to determine if you have TMJ disorder.

Mouth Guards Are Often the Best Treatment

While there are a number of different treatment options available, many dentists prefer to get you a custom mouth guard first. When you have TMJ, you won't usually have the pain and other symptoms at all times. You might notice that it is worse at night or when you are especially stressed. This is because, during these times, you are more likely to clench your teeth, which worsens the condition and causes pain. If you are waking up with severe jaw and head pain, you are probably either clenching or grinding your teeth. A custom mouth guard can be worn at night when you sleep in order to prevent you from grinding your teeth, thus helping to reduce the side effects of TMJ disorder.
