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Five Completely Natural Solutions to Dental Pain

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If you have a toothache, there are a range of medications you can take, ranging from sedating antihistamine or codeine, to ibuprofen or paracetamol. However, if you prefer to use a natural solution, there are also a lot of options. Check out these ideas:

1. Cloves

If you have a toothache and you can't see the dentist until the morning, you can alleviate the pain by rubbing your teeth or gums with cloves. Apply clove oil directly to the affected area using cotton, or gently chew on a stick of clove.  

2. Peppermint Tea Bags

For moderate tooth pain, a calming cup of tea can help to relax you and distract you from the pain, but for more severe pain, you can try placing a warm tea bag directly on the painful area. Boil some water in the kettle, and place a teabag in it for about a minute.

Remove the warm tea bag. Squeeze out the excess tea, and place the tea bag in your mouth. The calming properties of peppermint will help to kill the pain, while the warmth helps soothe the area as well.

3. Salt Water Rinse

You can combine a salt water rinse with either of the above methods, but do it before the clove oil treatment so you don't wash away the oils. Simply, pour a glass of warm water, and stir in a heavy dose of salt. Then, rinse with the solution. The salt kills the germs, helping to reduce dental pain.

4. Meditation

If you're at home with a cavity and you want to alleviate the pain naturally, you may want to try meditation. Meditation is the practice of clearing one's mind. It can help people relax, distract them from pain, lower stress levels and much more. The process can be transcendent, but it's utterly simple.

Sit or lay in a comfortable position, close your eyes and let your mind be blank. If words or images float into your mind, dismiss them. Focus on your breathing, and as you exhale, let the tooth pain lift away from your body.

5. Hypnosis

Hypnosis, sometimes called a form of meditation, is guided relaxation. With the help of a hypnotist, a subject can be encouraged to do a range of things from quitting smoking to losing weight. However, it's important to note that people cannot be hypnotised to do things they don't want to do. Hypnosis has even been used as a substitute for sedation in some surgeries.

Talk with your dentist about more pain relief options. He or she can help you discover both natural and medical options, but more importantly, he or she can help you put an end to your dental pain.

