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Teeth Whitening Home Remedies To Avoid

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Many people try to bleach their teeth at home using all sorts of solutions. Some follow other people's recommendations, while the majority of them search the internet. Little do they know the dangers some of these questionable home remedies pose to their teeth. It's always best to see a professional dentist if you would like to whiten your teeth. Although professional teeth whitening can be expensive, it's safer and has better results. However, most people rush to the internet in search of cheaper remedies. Unfortunately, most of these remedies do not actually work, and others end up hurting your teeth. Below are three of the most common remedies that you should never try.

1. Lemon Juice

One of the most common teeth whitening remedies is lemon juice. Many internet sources advocate the use of lemon juice to whiten teeth. However, what they don't reveal is that it only works temporarily and it's not safe. Lemon juice is acidic and therefore can harm your enamel. Also, it will rob your teeth of calcium, causing them to decay at a higher rate.

2. Coconut Oil

Some internet sources claim that coconut oil is an excellent teeth whitening home remedy. Although coconut oil does not cause any harm to your teeth, it does not make your teeth whiter either. In fact, there is no evidence or studies suggesting coconut oil whitens teeth. Simply swishing the oil in your mouth cannot have any effect on the stains on your teeth.

3. Strawberries

One home method for whitening teeth involves mixing baking soda with crushed strawberries, then applying it on your teeth. This may sound harmless, considering that strawberries are good for our overall health, but that doesn't mean they are good for the teeth. Strawberries have a high sugar content and contain a lot of acid, which can have adverse effects on your teeth. The strawberry seeds can also grind into your enamel and damage your teeth. Therefore, avoid using strawberries as a teeth whitening remedy to avoid their negative impacts on your teeth.

Safe Ways For Whitening Your Teeth

There are many safe and efficient means of getting a whiter, brighter smile. Some of them include whitening toothpaste, gels, mouth rinses and strips. These are safe products, and doctors have confirmed that they have no adverse effects on your teeth. However, the best and most reliable way is a teeth whitening treatment by a professional dentist.
