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The Ins and the Unders: Understanding the Two Types of Dental Implants

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If you're considering dental implants, your dentist will usually tell you that there are two possible choices: the implants that sit under the gums and the implants that sit inside the jaw. Which is best for your needs depends upon several individualised factors such as general oral health and willingness to undergo more complex surgeries. Below, the main differences in under-gum implants and in-jaw implants are explained. 

Under-Gum Dental Implants

Under-gum dental implants are the less complex option, but they're also less stable than in-jaw implants. Under-gum dental implants are crafted from biocompatible metals such as titanium. Whilst you're under anesthesia, your dentist will create a small incision so the base can be inserted in the gums. This base is a thin circle-shaped metal piece with a sharp point that protrudes through the gums. The base is secured by suturing the gums closed, and the prosthetic tooth can then be screwed into place. 

Is an Under-Gum Implant Right For You?

An under-gum implant might be right for you if you're looking for the simplest dental implant possible. However, it's only right for patients who have plenty of healthy gum tissue. Gum disease may make you ineligible for an under-gum implant.

If you opt for an under-gum implant, it's important that you take extra care when brushing, flossing, and eating. Under-gum implants have less stability than in-jaw implants, so it's critical that you keep them from shifting.

In-Jaw Implants

In-jaw implants are created from biocompatible metal, just as above-gum implants are. The in-jaw type of dental implants typically require two different surgeries. First, your dentist will create a gum incision whilst you're under local anesthesia. This incision is the entry point that's used to drill into the jaw, and that small hole is used to anchor the dental implant. The gum is then sutured closed so the prosthetic tooth can be screwed into place securely. 

Is an In-Jaw Implant Right For You?

An in-jaw implant is best for anyone who's looking for the most secure dental implant possible. With an in-jaw implant, you'll be able to chew, brush, and floss with complete confidence -- it works just as your natural tooth did. 

The in-jaw implant is only suitable if you have a healthy jaw that's capable of retaining the implant securely. If you've experienced bone loss or have any type of jaw disease, the under-gum implant might be better suited for you. Patients who opt for an in-jaw implant also need to bear in mind that the surgery is more complex, and thus the recovery is longer than that needed for an under-gum implant.

Is under-gum or in-jaw the right choice for you? Only an experienced dentist can let you know for certain. Call your local dentistry care provider for a consultation. This can be the first step in filling the gaps in your smile. 
