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Determining When Dental Crowns Are the Right Procedure for You

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There are several options available to fix a weakened tooth, a discoloured tooth or cavities. Dental crowns are among the top oral procedures that are used by dentists to achieve this goal. They not only restore a weakened tooth to a fully functional condition, but they can also improve the appearance of the teeth and your overall smile.

A dental crown is basically an artificial crown that is shaped and designed to cover an existing tooth. Crowns are cemented over the targeted teeth, and they stay firmly in place to withstand everyday wear and tear.

If you're experiencing certain oral complications, dental crowns may be the best option for you to consider. Crowns can address the following issues with your teeth.

1. When you have a large cavity

In some cases, tooth cavities can become too large for a filling. Attempting to fill large or awkwardly shaped cavities can result in more damage to the tooth or the filling falling out after a short amount of time.

Dental crowns can be shaped to fit over large cavities and to permanently cover vulnerable areas from additional decay.

2. Dental implants that need a touch up

If you had a dental implant procedure, the new artificial tooth may need to be covered by a crown to make it stronger or to add uniformity with the other neighbouring teeth.

Dental crowns can be specifically designed to cover a dental implant and make it appear uniform and attractive with the rest of the teeth.

3. Strengthening a weakened tooth

A cracked or weakened tooth in the mouth doesn't always have to be extracted. Tooth extractions are often more complicated and require a longer recovery time. They also result in a gap in the teeth, which can interfere with your overall smile.

In some cases, a damaged tooth can be saved by fitting a new crown over it. A crown will prevent additional decay to the tooth and will assist in holding cracked pieces together.

4. Filling in for missing teeth

If you have a missing tooth in the mouth, you may need to have a bridge installed. The bridge holds the adjacent teeth in place and prevents them from falling out of position due to the existing gap.

Dental crowns serve as useful materials for bridging purposes. They sit well within the gap and hold neighbouring teeth in place.

5. Covering discoloured teeth

Dental crowns also come in handy for covering teeth that are discoloured. If you have a few teeth in the mouth that are not as white as you desire, dental crowns can be shaped and fitted over those teeth to restore a bright white smile.

Contact a dentist for additional information.
