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The Downfalls of DIY Denture Relines

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When it comes to dental care, you can find DIY kits for most dental issues, including teeth whitening, tooth replacement and even denture relines. However, unlike when putting up a shelf or fixing a leaky tap, your appearance and health are at stake. Unless you have no other choice, you should always have your dentures relined at a dental clinic.

If you choose to take the DIY route, you may run into one of the following issues.

Your Denture May Become Too Thick

In order to reline a denture using a denture reline kit, you need to top up the existing liner with new material. Put too much resin onto the old liner and you end up with an uncomfortably thick denture. You may then find it difficult to eat, speak and even smile comfortably. Remember, your mouth is ultra sensitive.

That means even a millimetre may seem like a mountain!

The Chemical Taste is Unpleasant

Once you applied the plastic resin to the denture, it is necessary for you to bite down until the resin has dried. During this phase, it is common for people to experience an unpleasant chemical-like taste. This noxious taste may linger long after you have completed the relining of your denture.

If you have sensitive taste buds, it may be better for you to entrust your dentist with the relining procedure.

You Could Strain Your Jaw

Since you don't have the expertise, tools and experience of a dentist, you may well cause you denture to become ill-fitting. For example, if you don't apply the resin correctly, your bite may end up off on one side. If your teeth are not meeting correctly on one side, your jaw muscles and jawbone joint on that side will suffer.

TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) problems can cause chronic headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and can even cause dislocation of the jawbone.

The Results Are Only Temporary

A DIY denture reline kit can only offer you temporary results. That means you will still need to see your dentist for a more permanent solution within a month or two. Relying solely on a DIY denture reline may only make it more difficult for your dentist when you finally decide to get a more permanent solution.

If funds are tight, or you are unable to get to your dentist for a while, a DIY denture repair kit can come in useful. However, always take great care to follow the instructions.
