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What to Consider Before Opting for Teeth Whitening Treatment

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Teeth whitening is one of the most in-demand cosmetic dental treatments today because it is affordable, fast and noninvasive. Plus, the whitening can be done both at home and in the dental office.

If you're looking to whiten your teeth, you should know that teeth whitening isn't recommended for everyone. The procedure isn't suitable for certain groups of people due to pre-existing conditions.

Want to find out whether or not teeth whitening is right for you? Continue reading on below.

Do you have cosmetic restorations?

If you have had cosmetic dental restoration treatments such as dentures, dental implants, veneers and crowns performed before, a whitening treatment may not work so well for you. This is because the artificial material used for the restoration won't react with the whitening agent. 

If you go ahead and have the treatment performed, then you may not achieve the desired results. This is because whitening done on teeth with restorations will result in irregular whitening. You definitely don't want some teeth to look whiter than others. 

Do you have cavities?

If you have active cavities, you should consider giving up whitening treatment because the peroxide used to make your teeth whiter may reach the pulp of the affected teeth, leading to severe sensitivity. If you still want to undergo whitening treatment despite having cavities, make sure the cavities are effectively treated prior to getting whitening performed.

Do you suffer from peroxide allergies? 

Peroxide is the main bleaching agent in whitening gels. In short, it is the primary ingredient that triggers the whitening action needed to give you a whiter, brighter smile. If you are allergic to the substance, whitening treatment won't be right for you. 

Do you have sensitive teeth and gums? 

If you have sensitive teeth and gums, you should also consider giving whitening treatment a wide berth. Otherwise, you may experience severe sensitivity reactions due to exposure to peroxide. 

Are you in the family way?

Because teeth whitening treatment involves the use of chemicals including peroxide, pregnant women should give it up but only as a preventative measure. Although there are no known side effects of the whitening treatment on expectant moms, it is best to take precaution.

As you can see above, teeth whitening treatment isn't for everyone. Be sure to consult your dentist before undergoing the treatment. They will help you determine whether or not to go ahead with the treatment. 
