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A Brief Overview Of Teeth Whitening

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Everyone relishes the prospect of flashing white pearls when they laugh. However, there are many reasons your teeth are not as white as you would like them to be. Many whitening techniques can help you restore the natural colour of your teeth. Here is a review of some of the basic whitening methods. 

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening done at your dentist's office is usually more effective than at-home whitening kits. The bleaching solution used during in-office teeth whitening is usually stronger than home whitening solutions. Also, your doctor may either use light or heat to catalyse the whitening process.

In-office tooth whitening is also capable of getting your teeth a few shades brighter. The procedure may take a couple of visits to your doctor. One of the most effective in-office treatments is laser teeth whitening. You can experience dramatic results with teeth whitening in just a single visit. The procedure uses a laser beam to activate the whitening gel. However, this treatment is expensive compared to most treatments.  

At-Home Teeth Whitening

When it comes to bleaching teeth at home, there are several options at your disposal. These treatments are not supervised by your dentist. Therefore, you must be disciplined to follow all the instructions given by your dentist or pharmacist.

Teeth whitening gels have a peroxide bleaching agent. You can use a brush to apply the gel. You may have to apply the bleaching agent for several days to experience any results. These gels take longer to whiten teeth compared to in-office treatments.

Tray-based bleaching systems involve the use of a mouthguard that has been soaked in a peroxide-based gel. The tray is inserted in the mouth for a few hours a day. This treatment may also last a few weeks before you can see any changes.

Tooth whitening paste is another conventional bleaching system. These kinds of toothpaste gradually remove the stains from your teeth. However, they do not have any bleaching agent and instead use chemicals to scrub out the stains. These solutions are the most inexpensive whitening solutions.


Teeth become stained or yellowish for various factors. These include smoking, food stains, and aging. However, many solutions can help brighten your teeth. These bleaching treatments are classified as in-office and at-home treatments. In-office treatments are more effective than home treatments and utilise a peroxide gel that is much stronger than what is used in the over-the-counter solutions. Before you opt for any at-home treatment, it is advisable to seek advice from a dentist.
