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What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

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A conventional dentist might offer many dental services, for example, tooth extraction, filling, root canals, braces, dentures, dental implants, teeth cleaning and teeth whitening. However, they cannot be all classified under cosmetic dentistry.

The term cosmetic refers to appearance, meaning that cosmetic dentistry includes types of dental treatments aimed at improving your appearance. These dental treatments include teeth whitening, teeth cleaning, dentures, dental implants and braces.

Teeth Whitening

If your teeth are discoloured, you might shy away from smiling or speaking because you don't want people to look at you oddly. You may also avoid social gatherings and prefer staying indoors alone, which can be hazardous for your mental health. Visit a cosmetic dentist for teeth whitening treatment. Your dentist will restore your teeth whiteness and confidence around people.

Teeth Cleaning

Sometimes, especially if you do not keep up with dental hygiene (brushing and flossing), plaque, tartar or staining from foods may occur. These not only cause foul breath and a change in the colour of your teeth but damage the enamel of your teeth as well. You can already tell that people might avoid you because of your smelly breath and the colour of your teeth. Visit a dentist for dental cleaning services. The dentist cleans off plaque, tartar and the temporary staining, thereby restoring your fresh breath, dental hygiene and teeth whiteness.

Dentures and Dental Implants

These are treatment options for missing teeth. Missing teeth, especially incisors and canines, can cause your appearance and speech to change. This may make you uncomfortable, especially in social gatherings. Seek a dentist who specialises in dentures or dental implants to have the gaps in your teeth filled using artificial teeth.

Dentures are cheaper than dental implants, but dental implants might offer you a more realistic look and comfortable experience. Speak with your dentist to find out what treatment options work for you and are within your budget.


Braces fix crooked or misaligned teeth. Teeth that are in these states make it hard for you to chew or speak correctly. They may also attract staring, which can make you feel very uncomfortable. A dentist can treat your crooked or misaligned teeth using braces.

You might come across different types of braces, some of which are preferred because they do not alter your appearance further. For example, traditional metal braces might attract staring because of their pronounced metallic and dark look. You have the option of choosing either porcelain braces that are made to mimic the colour of your teeth or lingual braces that are attached behind your teeth.

To learn more, reach out to a local cosmetic dentistry clinic.
