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Gums Bleed When You Brush? Here's What to Do

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When you spit out toothpaste, do you ever see traces of blood among the white froth? Even small amounts of blood when brushing can indicate serious problems with your oral health. Here are a few steps you should take when you receive this warning sign to help keep your teeth and gums healthy.

1. Schedule a Dentist Appointment

Bleeding gums are a common symptom of gum disease. This condition can lead to bad breath, sore gums and even tooth loss if you leave it untreated, so it is important to schedule a dentist appointment right away if you notice blood in the basin after you brush.

2. Floss Daily

Many people avoid flossing because it makes their gums feel sore or even bleed, but in fact, it is one of the best things you can do to make your gums stronger and healthier. If using string floss is difficult for you because your teeth are too tightly packed together, try using a floss pick or even a water flosser. Daily flossing can help to reduce the number of bacteria that live above and below the gum line, reducing the risk of developing gum disease or helping to keep an existing case under control.

3. Use Antibacterial Mouth Rinse

Once harmful bacteria have gotten a foothold in your mouth, you sometimes need a little more than brushing and flossing to get rid of them. Antibacterial mouth rinses kill bacteria. Some also contain ingredients that soothe irritated gums to reduce or stop bleeding when you brush.

4. Change Your Brushing Technique

More is not better when it comes to the amount of pressure you apply to your teeth when brushing them. Brushing your teeth too forcefully can lead to gums feeling sore and does not give a better clean. If you know you have a habit of applying too much force, try using an electric toothbrush with a built-in pressure sensor to let you know when you need to back off.

5. Consider Your Diet

Although it's rare in the developed world, a vitamin deficiency called scurvy can cause bleeding gums. This deficiency occurs when you have very few fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you haven't been eating healthily lately, make an effort to fill up your dinner plate with vegetables and snack on fruit to see if that helps. Boiled, steamed, roasted or baked — all veggie portions count!
