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Are You Going To The Dentist Enough?

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Visiting the dentist is an important part of your routine medical check-ups that should keep you in good health for many decades to come. Most people assume that the dentist is not as important as, say, the visit to their local GP every year. But issues with teeth are far more common than most other underlying health conditions. So how do you know if you are visiting the dentist enough? Here is a quick guide that can help indicate whether or not you are visiting the dentist enough and if you should increase the frequency to better protect your oral health.

Twice A Year Is The Bare Minimum But Not A Universal Rule

You have probably heard the medical advice suggest that six months is the maximum time you should leave between visits to the dentist, and for most Australians, that is true. If you don't have any major tooth problems and have kept up to date with your check-ups, then six months is perfectly fine. However, this is not a universal rule, some people will need to visit the dentist more than that. If you have any work done on your teeth, any underlying health conditions or if your dentist suggests a more stringent regime of oral care, then you can see this increase to three or four visits a year, and it is important you keep up with that.

Crowns, Fillings And Implants

The older you get, the more likely you are to need work done to protect your teeth from further decay. Crowns and fillings are very common procedures that can extend the life of your teeth by decades, but only if they are kept in good condition according to the instructions laid out by your dentist. If you have had any major work done, such as crowns, fillings or implants, then you should make it a habit to visit the dentist more frequently. The last thing you want is even more reconstructive surgery, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Bloody Gums And Bad Breath

Apart from cavities that require crowns and fillings, the number one issue people get related to their oral health is bloody gums and bad breath. This can be the sign of gingivitis or periodontitis, both of which require treatment from your dentist. If you are constantly getting these issues, then you may need to alter your daily teeth cleaning technique. This is more normal than you might expect, as some people never properly learn how to clean their teeth, and there is no shame in asking for help. Visiting the dentist a bit more often to get advice on how to keep yourself healthy can be a good plan if you are suffering from bad breath or bloody gums more than ordinary. 
