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4 Ways a Dentist Can Cure Your Sensitive Teeth

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Sensitive teeth can make everyday activities such as eating and drinking a painful challenge. The pain you experience due to sensitivity can even prevent you from eating and drinking your favourite foods and drinks. Fortunately, sensitive teeth don't have to be a permanent issue. Your dentist can help you cure your sensitive teeth.

If sensitive teeth are leaving you in agony each day, see your dentist. With their help, your teeth can return to their former robustness.

1. Fluoride treatments cure sensitivity

Fluoride works alongside calcium and phosphorous to strengthen teeth. When you add fluoride to your mouth, it helps to remineralize lost enamel, which is the main cause of tooth sensitivity. Once a sensitive tooth has remineralized, the sensitivity will no longer be an issue since there will be sufficient enamel to protect the sensitive innards of the tooth. Your dentist can use fluoride to heal your teeth as a gel, foam or varnish that they apply to your teeth.

2. Vitamin D supplements cure sensitivity

Vitamin D is vital for making your bones and your teeth strong and durable. When your diet is lacking in vitamin D, your teeth become brittle and weak. As a result, the thin enamel no longer protects your tooth nerves from the sensations your mouth experiences each day, such as hot and cold. Your dentist can provide you with vitamin D supplements if they ascertain that vitamin D deficiency is the cause of your tooth sensitivity.

3. Composite bonding can reinforce sensitive teeth

Composite bonding is a temporary way of strengthening teeth that have weakened due to mineral loss. Later, you can remove composite bonding if you wish to choose another treatment. Composite bonding is a resin that dentists apply to teeth and then hardens it with light. The composite bonding will serve as a protective coating to prevent tooth sensitivity.

4. Veneers can reinforce sensitive teeth

Porcelain veneers are a permanent way of solving the issue of sensitive teeth. Because tooth structure needs to be sacrificed to place veneers, veneers are something you will live with for the rest of your life. But these porcelain shells look amazing and they provide teeth with a sturdy armour that stops tooth sensitivity.

Sensitive teeth are usually the result of enamel demineralization. Your dentist can strengthen your teeth in several ways. If sensitivity is a problem for you, speak to your dentist about the aforementioned treatments.
