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4 Tips to Prevent Dry Socket Following Wisdom Teeth Removal

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After you get one or more of your wisdom teeth removed, you need to take care to avoid developing a condition called dry socket. This condition occurs when the clot that covers the site of the tooth extraction dislodges too early before healing is fully complete. Here are four tips that can help you to prevent dry socket and ensure that your healing progresses normally.

1. Don't Touch

One common cause of dry socket is poking or prodding at the extraction site. If you are constantly touching the clot, you run the risk of dislodging it and disrupting the healing that had been going on underneath it. Resist the urge to explore the site with your fingers or tongue and trust that the body can do the work of healing without your supervision.

2. Be Careful When Brushing

As well as people deliberately touching the extraction site, another common cause of dry socket is accidentally jabbing at the clot with a toothbrush. When brushing your teeth after wisdom teeth removal, you should take great care. If you use an electric toothbrush, switch it onto sensitive mode for a few days. If you use a manual brush, be sure to take smaller strokes and do not press too hard on your sensitive gums.

3. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your dental health in general. Following wisdom teeth removal, it is more important than ever to stay away from tobacco. The chemicals found in cigarettes interfere with natural healing processes, which means that your extraction site will take much longer to heal if you smoke.

Another problem with smoking is that sucking on a cigarette — even a tobacco-free e-cigarette — can create a pressure gradient inside the mouth that can dislodge the clot from the gum. If you need your nicotine fix, the safest way to get it is to use a nicotine patch, which you can buy from a pharmacy.

4. Don't Use Straws

Sucking on anything while you are healing from wisdom teeth extraction is a bad idea. Even using a straw can create suction that could cause your clot to dislodge. Until healing is complete, sip water from a glass or cup to keep your mouth moist and your body hydrated. Avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, and hot drinks, all of which could make your sore gums even more sensitive.

For more information, reach out to a professional who provides wisdom teeth removal services. 
