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4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Invisalign Treatment Over Traditional Braces

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If crooked, overlapping, or gapped teeth are stopping you from being happy with your smile, corrective aligners are the best way to restore your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. Plus, they can also help the non-cosmetic difficulties of misaligned teeth, including problems with eating and sleeping. However, you may already know that traditional braces do have their downsides. That's why there's never been a better time to consider solutions like Invisalign, where your teeth are straightened with clear aligners. Here are just four reasons why you'll be better off with Invisalign.

1. Shorter treatment time

Traditional braces can be time-consuming, leading many to put off getting them. Invisalign treatment, on the other hand, has a much shorter appointment and treatment times. Since Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your mouth over the course of your treatment, they tend to move your teeth into place quicker than regular braces. Plus, even though Invisalign uses more complex technology, your appointments won't take long. Expect your first and last session to last around an hour, along with brief, 15-minute appointments every few months to get your new aligner trays.

2. More comfortable experience

Traditional braces aren't usually painful, but they can be uncomfortable—particularly after each adjustment. Braces exert a lot of pressure on the teeth, leading to soreness whenever they're tightened. This soreness can become even more apparent when you're talking, eating or brushing your teeth. Invisalign, on the other hand, applies a lot less pressure to the teeth. Multiple aligner trays are used to gradually pull your teeth together without too much forcing, leading to a far more comfortable daily experience.

3. Reduced need for re-treatment

While traditional braces are meant to be a long-term solution, many people require re-treatment later in life. Invisalign-treated teeth are not immune to relapse, but many patients find that Invisalign is more likely to be permanent than their traditional counterparts. This is likely down to two factors. First, the custom-fitted nature of Invisalign trays makes the treatment more precise. Second, since Invisalign is more comfortable to wear and less intrusive to daily life, many patients are happy to wear them for longer periods of time to ensure a permanent result.

4. Easier hygiene maintenance 

Keeping up with your oral hygiene isn't always easy when you have braces. Many people find that it's difficult to remove all the food particles and plaque that can get stuck around the brackets. That's where the removable nature of Invisalign comes in handy. Since you can remove your aligners every time you brush your teeth, you won't have to take any special measures. In turn, this will ensure your teeth stay clean and protected from decay and gum disease.
