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4 Signs of Gum Disease

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Gum disease is a common but serious condition that can lead to severe pain, tooth loss, and even bone loss if it is allowed to progress. With early treatment, it is possible to halt gum disease and restore gums to full health. Look out for these early warning signs of gum disease and be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist if you spot any of them.

1. Painful Gums

Do your gums hurt when you brush or floss your teeth? How about when you are eating? Many people stop flossing and shorten their brushing sessions when they notice that their gums are tender, but in fact, this is the worst possible course of action, as it gives bacteria an even greater chance to infect the gums, which will ultimately make the pain worse.

If you notice that your gums are sore, the right thing to do is to schedule an appointment with your dentist. The dentist can examine the gums for signs of gum disease and prescribe a treatment to relieve pain and reverse the condition.

2. Bleeding Gums

For many people, the telltale sign of gum disease is spitting blood into the basin after they have brushed their teeth. You may also notice blood appearing on dental floss.

Bleeding gums are a symptom you should never ignore. Visit your dentist to find out whether you have gum disease and get advice about what you can do to reverse it.

3. Swollen, Red Gums

Healthy gum tissue is a pleasant pink colour, whereas gums that are affected by gum disease can appear dark red or even purple. Diseased gums may also look swollen or puffy. If you think you might be suffering from gum disease, examine your gums to see how they appear. The best way to get confirmation of your suspicions is to visit your dentist for a checkup.

4. Bad Breath

It is normal to have a lingering odour on your breath after you eat something with a strong flavour, such as garlic. However, if your breath smells bad even when you are being careful with your diet and practising good oral hygiene, you should visit your dentist to find out whether gum disease could be the cause. The bacteria that invade the gums during gum disease produce waste products that smell very bad. Rather than simply covering up this smell with mouthwash or gum, you need to get treatment for the gum disease.
