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4 Feel-Good Facts About Orthodontics

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If you did not receive orthodontic care when you were a teenager, this whole field of dentistry might seem mysterious and out of reach. However, orthodontics is something that can benefit everyone. Here are a few facts about orthodontics that will hopefully remove some of the barriers that stand between you and a straighter smile.

1. Orthodontics Have No Age Limit

Although adolescence is the most common time to get orthodontic treatment, it is still possible to straighten your smile if you are older. Orthodontists can use braces or aligners to gradually move teeth into better alignment, regardless of your age. This process can be highly effective even if you are an adult. Rather than assuming that you missed out on straight teeth, why not find an orthodontist so you can discuss your treatment options?

2. Invisible Options Exist

Many people dislike the idea of getting braces because they worry what people will think of them. However, braces today do not have to look like the old-fashioned "metal mouth" that you might have seen in teen movies or in old photos. Today, you can get orthodontic treatment and maintain a professional appearance, thanks to clear plastic aligners such as Invisalign. Ask your orthodontist about invisible smile straightening options to see what is available to treat your particular condition.

3. Orthodontic Treatment Shouldn't Be Painful

Many people put off asking about orthodontic treatment because they worry that it will hurt. However, there is no reason why treatment to produce a straighter smile should be painful. Aligners apply only a gentle feeling of pressure to the teeth. Braces also apply a sensation of pressure, although occasionally it is possible for a misplaced wire or bracket to scrape against the soft parts of the mouth, causing irritation. If this kind of irritation occurs for you, then be sure to bring it up with your orthodontist, as they can easily adjust the braces to make them comfortable.

4. Orthodontic Treatment Produces Great Results

Many people are skeptical about the results that orthodontic treatment can produce, assuming that the teeth will eventually move back into their old positions. In fact, the results of the treatment can last a lifetime, as long as you follow your orthodontist's instructions. These instructions might involve wearing a retainer at night over the long term. You should continue to have regular checkups to monitor the new positions of your teeth.
