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Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health

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Your oral health impacts your overall health. After all, the digestion process for the food you eat starts in your mouth.

If you fail to keep your mouth healthy, problems like bad breath, tooth discolouration, cavities and abscesses may occur, adversely impacting your body and overall well-being. While daily brushing, flossing and rinsing are essential for healthy teeth and gums, you must do more to keep oral health problems at bay.

Here are some helpful tips on what to do to take proper care of your teeth.

Avoid a sugary diet

While eating sugary foods and drinks increases the risk of hyperglycaemia in people with diabetes, it also creates the perfect environment for the bacteria in your mouth to cause problems.

If you do not clean your mouth well, the bacteria can feed on the sugars that remain on the teeth, gums and tongue, producing an acid that will attack your tooth enamel (the outermost layer of the tooth), causing it to decay.

Avoiding or minimising your consumption of sugary foods and drinks is essential to prevent tooth decay and other oral health issues. 

Have your teeth cleaned by a dentist

While cleaning your teeth daily at home is a must, you should never overlook the importance of professional dental cleanings.

During these in-office teeth cleanings, your dentist will use handheld tools such as scalers, picks, curettes and polishers to remove plaque and tartar that you could not tackle using a toothbrush, floss or mouth rinse at home.

Raise any dental health concerns with your dentist

Aside from visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups, you should see them immediately if you notice any issue with your oral health.

For example, swollen or bleeding gums can be indicators of underlying oral diseases like gingivitis. If not treated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. The impact on your overall health and financial situation will be more adverse than if you sought a dentist at the first signs of trouble.

No oral health issue or concern is too minor to ignore. Many people have problems with their teeth because they do not take proper care of them. When you fail to take good care of your teeth, the bacteria in your mouth will thrive, causing various oral health problems.

For more information about keeping your mouth healthy, contact a local dental office, like Platinum Dental Studio.
