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Everything You Need to Know About Sensitive Teeth

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Do you experience sharp pain every time you eat or drink something hot or cold? Do your teeth feel like they're about to shatter when air touches them? If so, then it's very likely that you have sensitive teeth. Fortunately, there is good news — you can manage this uncomfortable condition. Read on to discover more about sensitive teeth.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth? 

The root cause of sensitive teeth is often due to a loss of enamel on your tooth surface or receding gums that expose the dentin layer underneath. This dentin contains microscopic channels that lead directly to the nerve endings within each tooth's root canal. When these channels become exposed due to enamel or gum loss, they allow hot and cold stimuli direct access to the nerves within your teeth, causing short sharp pains.

Other factors like acid erosion, grinding your teeth (bruxism), using a hard-bristled toothbrush, brushing too aggressively, consuming acidic drinks (sodas/energy drinks/citrus fruit juices), etc., also contribute to making your teeth more prone to sensitivity. Also, older adults tend to experience more sensitivity than younger people because their gums start receding naturally with age as well as their enamel wears away over time.

How Can I Reduce Sensitivity?

If you find yourself dealing with sensitivity, you can do several things at home to reduce it. You can:

  • Switch from a hard-bristled brush to a soft-bristled one
  • Wear a mouth guard to reduce clenching or grinding of your jaw
  • Avoid acidic food and drinks
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste
  • Apply fluoride gel at home
  • Rinse with warm salt water
  • Try oil pulling for natural relief
  • Consider using dental trays filled with specialist gels or pastes
  • Visit a dental office regularly for checkups and cleanings so your dentist can identify any underlying issues early on.

All these steps can help to reduce tooth sensitivity.


You must remember that when treating sensitive teeth, there is no one size fits all solution — what works for one person else will not necessarily work for another. Every case is different, which is why consulting with a professional dentist is always recommended if at-home treatments do not provide sufficient relief. With proper care, most cases of sensitive teeth can be managed so you can get on with your life. You should not hesitate to seek help with this issue if needed. For more advice, contact your dentist today. They will be happy to help.
